Monday 29 April 2013

KCW: Late Night Roller Skating

Here's my last bit of sewing for Kid's Clothes Week. Although the official finish is on the other side of the world and thus about 11 hours behind. I felt fully justified in stopping at the completion of this dress around 1am last night!

I found this fabric in the online remnants section of either Earth Girl Fabrics or Kelani I honestly can't remember which, and I stalk the remnants and sale sections of both websites quite often. The selvedge tells me it's called Uma Flora E Um Leao by Sayasans. There are cute little lions in them there flowers!

The remnant piece was only 90cm with this pattern along one selvedge and a less deep, but equally interesting pattern on the other selvedge (I think there's just enough leftover for that to become a basic skirt).

I held onto it and thought and thought about how to use it for so long. It was too narrow for many patterns, too decorative for others,...  then along came the Roller Skate pattern from Oliver + S and I knew this fabric had found it's perfect match.

A fabric covered button to match!
It's not really dress weather here anymore, so I decided to cut it 1" longer in the hope it lasts until next spring. The pattern didn't quite fit on my bit of fabric, so I took 3/4" off the side of the front pattern piece and the side of the back pattern piece at the hen, then angled gradually up to the point where the elastic casing would be.

I did do the whole thing in one evening. Pattern tracing, cutting and sewing. But it was a late night and I've decided I detest finishing seams open, especially with the very lightweight chocolate voile that's used for the lining.

Now, bearing in mind that I chopped the pattern to make it fit the fabric, folded the fabric in half and squeezed the pattern on: Check out the back seam!

I feel like I should buy a lottery ticket! Sheer dumb luck I promise.
But a very satisfying way to finish Kid's Clothes Week.


  1. Meant to be for sure. A great fabric for this pattern!

  2. I love your fabric choice too.

    1. Thank you. This was fabric I just had to purchase, took a while to find out what to do with it!

  3. You're so smart with your 'work-around'....making it look so easy :)....

    1. Thank you, it's more a "tweak" than a "flip" but yuor series is great and I did want to join in!

  4. That fabric is gorgeous! I love that this was finished during kcw and another one is right around the corner :)

  5. beautiful fabric and definitely a perfect match for the Roller Skate pattern. Great job making it work!!

  6. you say "dumb luck", but you've shown a few times now your proficiency with matching patterns/stripes on seams. I say it's pure skill. Case closed:)


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