Tuesday 7 October 2014

A simple skirt, some exciting news and a dress to give away....

Sometimes you just want to sew something quick and simple, that's guaranteed to get worn:

A simple tiered skirt from this book in size 90cm. It was to replace a hand-me-down pink tiered knit skirt that she'd been given by a relative and that had become obscenely short.

The pattern is written for a woven fabric, but I'd seen Lucinda do a very similar skirt in knit. Hers is from Happy Homemade Vol II and my vague memory allowed me to think I was making the same skirt. Looks like I need to make another!

The pattern is just a series of rectangles, so no tracing needed, and it's a pretty easy sew. Plus, if you're nervous about hemming knits, how cool would this look if it was made from a few different leftover t-shirts.

It is getting regular wear, I just have some model compliance issues that need sorting. :)

On to the happy news:

I decided to enter the Red Deer Pullover (that wasn't getting any wear) in The Melbourne Show, and it won first place in the Novice Sewn Garment category!  I figured it was OK to enter the novice category as I've not been sewing knits for more than 2 years, or using the overlocker for more than a year and I'd never sewn a bead before in my life.

It's quite fun having something hanging at the show. I've always loved looking at the Arts & Crafts section (the decorated cakes are insanely good) and I think I'll continue to put something in, even though now I'll have to be in the Open category and that's where the ladies-who-can-smock (said with a trembling voice) reside. Given that we're heading into warmer weather, this may never get worn before it's outgrown, but A was especially proud of seeing it at the show and was very happy to "visit" her jumper.

And so, to other things that have been outgrown. Some were loved and worn, some were hardly touched. All are in still in good working order, nice and unstained. Over on the Oliver + S forum there's a little giveaway thread started up. I've scored a beautiful ombre dotty Fairy Tale dress (on it's way in the post) and so it's my turn to clear out the cupboards. Go check out the thread as I've listed a few things there.

But here, I'm offering up a dress from the same book as the skirt I started the blog post with. It also happens to be the first garment that was shown on this blog!:

The size is 90cm and while it still fits A through the shoulders the skirt has become awkwardly short on her. In the photo above she had just turned three. Six months later she's fairly tall for her age, so I'd guess it would fit a shorter 3+ year old, or very comfortably fit a two to three year old.

Just leave a comment below if you'd like it, or, if you're an Oliver + S devotee, have a look at the other garments up for grabs over there.


  1. Holy moly! Congratulations on your blue ribbon! That sweater is super sweet, and incredibly well made--you certainly deserve top prizes!

  2. Lovely skirt - I've made a few in that style, but never in knit. Good idea. As for your blue-ribbon-winning deer jumper, what a fantastic (and well-deserved) achievement! I've managed to avoid going to the show the past few years but the times I've been, I've always enjoyed checking out the crafts and cakes. Hey how about you start working on your sponge for next year? Happy to come over and be your taster while you practise :)

    1. Well, if you like "self saucing cake", that is, the kind of cake that's burnt around the edges and still liquid in the centre then you're on. I simply can not bake. I do like the idea of playing with that icing though. Looks like play dough for grown ups!
      I was pleasantly surprised by the generous length of the skirt. I'm sure I'll make more. Seems a good way to use up different coloured bits that are too small for anything else.

  3. Congratulations! How exciting and very well deserved too - the deer sweater is awesome.

    1. Thanks Suzy. I almost wish it wasn't spring so it would get worn. thankfully the deer can be taken off and put on another sweater for next winter.

  4. Congrats on winning the first place at the show! How exciting indeed :)

    Isn't it amazing how some of the simpler garments get a lot more wear? Gotta love them!

    1. Thank you! It is satisfying to make the everyday things too, isn't it. What amazes me is how a few well proportioned rectangle can make a lovely skirt. I always think: I should be able to do that without a pattern, but it's so much easier when someone else has done the designing.

  5. Yay! Congrats on your blue ribbon win! Of course you should win - the judges know a good thing when they see it:) And so fun to see that knit skirt you made - I hope it gets oodles of wear! Somehow, the one I made for Lilah seems to go with everything (according to her) and is still on regular rotation (though getting short). There is just something about the comfort of knit . . .
    And that blue knit dress you're giving away makes me so sentimental! That was the very first Japanese pattern I sewed and did so with great fear and trembling. But it turned out to be the cutest little dress ever! You are so generous to share it with someone who can enjoy it still!

    1. Oh I remember yours. It was in a line up of blue things and they were all so lovely but that little dress especially impressed me! It's going off to Nicole who's little one is only a couple of months old, so it will be well rested before it gets worn again!

    2. It arrived and is super cute!
      Thank you.
      I will make sure I put a piccie up when it fits Trixie.
      Thank you so much.

  6. Congratulations on your blue ribbon!! How exciting! I love that sweater--everything about it so perfect!


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