Saturday 19 May 2018

After School Pants

The Oliver + S After School Pants are just the cutest fitting kid's pants ever.

It had been quite a few years since I'd made these pants - A had a couple of pairs as a two year old (here, here and here) and P had some made as jeans when he was about 4 (here)

When I was rummaging in the fabric stash and pulling out other pale pink and mauve things I found this cut of a Bettina Liano stretch velour corduroy. I'd bought it ages ago along with some pale blue (used here and here) from The Fabric Store. A new pair of After School Pants seemed the perfect pattern/fabric match.

These are a straight size 7 and are a perfect fit - although they were photographed in a rush and I hadn't noticed the front was pushed down and not looking like such a great fit after all. They're fine when worn normally, not prancing for photos, or trying to flash your tummy. Trust me.

I thoroughly enjoyed sewing them and was all set to cut another pair but decided that sleeping and getting ready for our holiday probably needed to take priority!

But now that winter really seems to be on it's way, and this girl is suddenly in a pants not dresses phase I can see that I probably will make them again before she outgrows the traced off pattern. Odds are I'll need to add a bit of length though as she's growing like a weed.


  1. Very cute! I like the blouse too - is that also Oliver + S?

    1. Sorry for such a late reply. yest the blouse is the Oliver + S Music Class Blouse. a lovely sew!

  2. She is divine and getting grown up.
    Love these pants, the perfect scrap buster.

    1. Thanks Nicole. Yep, bigger every day and I suspect we're heading into a punk phase so these may be the last pink pants... :)

  3. What great fabric! She is growing like a weed. This is one of my favorites as well!

    1. I've just eeked out a pencil skirt from the remnants for me! yay!!

  4. A looks very happy with her new pants great outfit.


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