Thursday 11 December 2014

Giveaway: and a request for help


Easy for me to say, but I'm wondering if it isn't becoming increasingly difficult for you to respond.

I seem to be having some issues with Blogger and I suspect it might be affecting how you can leave comments on the blog. (or maybe you have all wandered off to look at something else, and I'm being vain and not realising it!).

Can you help me out?

I tried an HTML patch that changed the page refresh times, and I think it might have even made things worse...

Could you do me a huge favour, and spare a minute to leave a comment on today's blog post. Make sure to include the internet browser you're using (or tablet/phone etc) and which ID you're signed in as. In the example above I'm at home, so it's Internet Explorer (IE) and I use my Google ID.

Now, in case it doesn't post, be sure to highlight and copy what you've written. If, or when, it fails to post you can paste the same content into an email. Either click on the mail icon at the top of the blog, or send it to lightningmcstitch at gmail dot com

As a bit of an incentive, I'll give away an awesome paper Oliver + S pattern to one person who leaves  a comment. Whether it arrives by email or on the blog I don't mind. It's your effort that's being rewarded, not the success of the comment posting!

The pattern is the beautiful Hide and Seek dress which I recently made here. It's size 6m to 4 years, uncut and as new. Happy to post to anywhere.

Can't think of anything to say, well, everyone has a haircut story, right?

Only a week after having her hair trimmed into the nice, angled bob that she's been sporting for a while, A decided that she and her toy koala needed a bit more off. She hacked at the front part of the bob (and koala's fluffy ears) and so I saw my chance to whiz her back to the hairdresser and get the short, Mia Farrow cut that I've been thinking would be super cute.

When I was her age I had a very similar haircut and she's sold on the idea of looking just like mummy. Before it grows out, I want to recreate a dress I had at the time and play along with the When We Were Young series

I eventually grew my hair quite long, and so here's my hairdressing horror story:

With my long hair ready for a new style I went to see my uncle's family who were all hairdressers. I won't say exactly how old I was, but you might guess the era anyway...

I pointed to a picture on the wall and requested the haircut to be just like that one. The picture probably looked like this:

My cousin set to work, snipping and trimming. I became a bit concerned at how this was going to eventuate into the style I wanted, but I didn't say anything, as he was the hairdresser and I presumed it would work out at the end.

Eventually he put his scissors down and reached for the mirror. That was when I realised he'd finished. That was it. He looked quite proud of himself as he showed me the sides and back. I burst into unexplained tears.

The picture next to Farrah Fawcett looked a lot like this one...

He'd done a perfect job of it, it's just that, not only was it not the haircut I wanted, I didn't even look like that model.

I looked more like Adam Rich (aka the chubby kid from Eight is Enough):

I'll draw the winner of the pattern in about 7 days. Thanks for your help. As much as I use the blog as my own record of what I've done, I really enjoy hearing from you, and I know how infuriating it can be when a blog comment fails to post.


  1. Lets see if I can help. I try to post via an android smartphone with bloggger account inspinration

  2. I use an android smartphone and am logged in with my Google account. I actually just got the same haircut as your daughter! On purpose though....

  3. you're not being vain, I've tried to leave comments a couple of times but they haven't gone through :)

    aww, A is so cute! I hope she's happy with her hair cut.

    I have multiple hair stories but I think the worst was the bang trim my dad gave me just before my grade three pictures were taken. He's a bit of a perfectionist and they weren't quite straight the first go round so he took some more off but then the other side was a bit long so he took some more off. You can see where I'm going with this can't you??

    Don't enter me in your giveaway, my girlies are out of that size range :)

  4. Her hair is darling! I really love it.

    I'm using my Google ID and posting from Safari on my Mac

  5. Love Missy's new cut - but I want to see a pic of your teen one ;-)

    Re the comment issue - I constantly have issues commenting on blogger blogs. I start my comment, pause to think for 2 seconds and then it freezes up and I can't finish. I have to hit preview, then edit - but sometimes I just give up if this happens multiple times. It only happens on blogger blogs, not Wordpress.

    And it happened writing this - via safari on my iPad. If I use my husband's iPad, I don't get the freezing issue, but once I hit publish the comment disappears never to be seen again...

    I have also had issues with commenting via the PC - we used IE as our browser, but I changed over to Firefox a while back now, which seems to have resolved the issues on the PC.

    (& sorry for the long comment - also, like Mel, please don't enter me in the comp - out of size range now too :-( )

  6. Hey Lightning, for the last couple of weeks I've been having issues posting on other blogs with my wordpress ID (either on a mac using safari or iPhone), so it seems like a "it's not you, it's me" situation although I am too lazy to figure out how to fix it!

    1. Ha, let's just say I'm surprised I can comment again. Thanks for making me try!

  7. I'm commenting using my iPhone and logged in using Google.

    Like other commenters have stated, I've had issues with comments freezing when I need to delete something, and then it won't publish. Fingers crossed this goes through

  8. I enjoy your work with children's clothes. The quality is so good. I am posting from my IPad and my google account.

  9. Comment.
    MacBook Air. Safari.Google.
    Don't want a pattern but would like a haircut.

  10. I really enjoy your blog, but have yet to leave a comment.....I will try to be a little more vocal :)
    I'm using and iPad (old one)
    Signed in with google

  11. Pushing 'publish' didn't work for me, but I find on a few blogs if I 'preview' first then 'publish' it works.....which it did!

  12. But pressing 'publish' worked with a reply comment?? Good Luck...I hope you work it out lol!

  13. Commenting from work, Firefox on a PC, Google ID. But I don't need the pattern, have it already! ;-)

    The hair stories, both of them, are awesome. The Mia cut is A-dorbs.

  14. From bloglovin app link on iPhone

  15. Commenting from Google Chrome, using my Google ID.

    That haircut story. Thanks for the laugh--I was working on final grades and I need it!

  16. Oh hey girl! Google Chrome on a Mac, using google ID. I've been having trouble with blogger eating my comment the first time I post and I've made it a habit to copy my comment before posting, but sometimes I forget. Super annoying! :/

  17. (also i don't need the H&S pattern but thanks - and the comment worked first try!)

  18. Ok - I'm using Bloglovin, on my iPad, and I'm at home.

    I also don't need the pattern. My youngest is almost 10. All the best!

  19. iPod safari Google

    I enjoy reading your blog. ( and don't need the pattern. )

    1. Interesting my first attempt was eaten but my second worked and hopefully this one will too.

  20. I recently contacted Akismet, the spam-blocking company that handles wordpress, and they sorted out my inability to comment for me - now it seems to work fine on wordpress blogs. But occasionally - as with your blog the other day - I find my comments just don't come up. In fact I've often been unable to comment on your blog, so if sometimes you don't hear from me for a while, don't think that I don't care ;)

    Oh and my daughter, despite having the build of a pipecleaner, is probably too big for your Hide and Seek pattern, so count me out.

    Love the hairstyles!!

  21. And of course THIS TIME my comment was published...

  22. Using iPhone & Feedly, logged in with Google ID. All good.
    For some reason, kids think that once you've taken them to the hairdresser, they are proficient in the craft... My two played hair salon in a cubby house at care with scissors 'borrowed' from the Kinder room. Yeah... Oh well, it made me laugh & they were the ones having to run around looking ridiculous. Hahaha!

  23. I have the pattern already so no need to include me, but I'm logging in via Chrome Version 39.0.2171.71 using my google ID. I have a haircut story! I asked for this: and got this:

    If you ever hear I'm in jail it's because the stylist who did that to me made the mistake of crossing the road in front of my car.

  24. I've been having issues with IE in general the last few months (pinterest wouldn't work right, blog comments never seemed to left--and I don't have time to go back and check every single time) so I switched to Firefox. It seems to have resolved all my issues. Google Chrome (that's the browser my big kids use when they are on the computer) works nicely too.

  25. *to BE left

    Oh, and I use my google ID for leaving comments on blogger.

  26. Haha already tried to comment and it didn't work. Don't know how to copy so here we go I'll type it all again. I normally follow your blog via bloglovin but I've been having issues with spam/inappropriate material appearing so I reset the phone...didn't work. I deactivated my bloglovin acc...didn't work. I installed a malware app....didn't work. Very frustrating! Anyway I'm using google id with IE.

  27. Okay here goes...I use Mozilla Firefox and I am signed in with Google. I am also using my desktop computer. I hope this exercise produces results for you.

  28. I am using Safari, and I'm logged in to google. !

  29. I tend to read on my phone so commenting is a pain, though I should make more of an effort ;) But currently I am on a laptop (editing a photo session while the kids are asleep!), google chrome, commenting with my google id.

  30. Chicken chicken chicken chicken
    Chicken chicken chicken
    Chicken chicken

    IE11, Surface Pro 3 baby!

  31. First try didn't work. Probably because I wasn't logged into my Google account.

  32. First try didn't work - it didn't load my google account (that I was logged into)... Chrome, Windows 8.1

    1. Well that's a first. I've been wanting to leave a comment for ages! I love the stuff for make for P - and the pattern combining. So often we're making the same things ... or you've done the thing I have been wondering about. Good to know I can now comment, even if I have to reload the page or something to get it to work.... :)

  33. Windows 7, Chrome, Google...this is my second try!

  34. I meant to come back and leave a comment here from home computer (with Safari and Google ID) as my comment from iphone/Safari/Google ID wouldn't post. It froze as soon as I tried to delete a typo. This is a typical problem I seems to have commenting from my phone on blogspot sites.


I get a real kick out of knowing you've visited the blog and love to read comments. Thanks.