Wednesday 5 February 2014

LTTS Cover to Cover Challenge: A PDF scorecard and testing my blogging upload skills....

How's that? you might need your magnifying glass, or maybe you'll immediately know how to click on a pdf and manipulate it.  My Excel skills are very rusty so that little table took a while, but then so did all your magnificent sewing! Here's a link to the uploaded file so you can see it better and even leave a comment if I've mucked anything up.

My little girl turns three soon so I'm planning a Tea Party Doll Dress from the Little Things To Sew book to match a Pinwheel Dress that I'll make her. Pattern stash busting, another project underway and hopefully a happy kid.
At least the first two are guaranteed, I may have to rely on grandparents again for the happy birthday girl outcome!

Thanks for sewing along, just over 6 months to go!


  1. A few people getting close! This reminds me I have a few nearly finished projects from this book I should get back too.

    1. Nothing like cleaning up unfinished projects and you get a little green tick for everyone you do! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Thanks for putting together the scoreboard. Mama Knowles has 17 out of 20 ~ wow!

    1. Welllll..... Technically she has 17 out of 21 since I'm counting the juggling balls and drawstring bags as if they were separate projects. But quibbling aside, she is a machine!

  4. Pretty impressive! I know I won't get all the projects done but I'm hoping to be able to check a few more off of my list before the sewalong ends.;)

    1. Hey I don't know for sure if I'll finish either, but I'm ticking off a few more too. I just have to work out who to "gift" some of the baby projects to!

  5. This is good motivation to get moving! Six more months, maybe I can get six more projects completed. It's also fun to look down the columns and see which projects are the most popular- gotta love all those hats, mittens, tutus, and bear carriers! Thanks for hosting this fun challenge.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I was thinking the same thing. I should run a percentile at the bottom of each column to give an idea of which are made most often. If multiples were counted as well that Bucket Hat pattern would be the most used by far!

  6. Love your score card, it looks great! It is fun to see which projects have been sewn the most of. : ) I am almost done, 4 more to go! Yes, I ma excited to finish this book!

    1. It's such fun having you along for the ride. You are one crazy sewing lady!

  7. Is it too late to join? I have the book but have only made the hat so far. One project a month sounds ... doable :) Katy alerted me to do this challenge previously, but I was a little intimidated by the thought of sewing the WHOLE book.

    1. Not at all! Never too late. You could submit one photograph of a hat you made four years ago on the 31st of August and you'd still be counted as having been part of my posse! It's that "open".
      As for the competition part, there's one entry per person per unique pattern completed (to max of 21). All you have to do is join the Flickr group and add some photos.
      I never thought I'd sew the whole book either but I realised one day I was already over halfway so I set myself the challenge of finishing it off. the same thing may "accidently" happen to you too one day!

    2. Haha never say never, right? I have dusted off the book and joined the flickr group, will probably start on something simple like the bib (which we need seeing as bubba is teething at the moment) or the drawstring bag! I need to do some research on the backpack, the penguin looks cute but I want to see what other animals people have come up with.

    3. Here's a round up of some backpack critters.
      I think there have been more since....

    4. Thank you muchly!

  8. I love that you have spent the time doing this, you are a real trooper!
    It is nice to keep track of how I have used this book so far. I have made a tutu that I must photograph, it went straight into the dressing up box and hasn't been seen since.

    I have an overwhelming desire to make the art smock. Little L really needs one since she is getting into her painting!

    1. You're welcome. I'll do a new PDFat the start of each month now that we're on the home straight!
      I just made the Art Smock and it is delightful to sew!


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