Saturday 26 September 2020

Goldilocks - sans bears

Some days the boredom is indescribable. The weather has turned cold and miserable and we're all locked indoors. As we have been for months. It's school holidays but that looks just like school days except there's no incentive at all for the kids to get out of their pyjamas...

On a long list of non events was the reason for this dress (last year's link here). I felt like not sharing it here in case an opportunity for the event arose later, but honestly it won't fit for that long. Who knows when "later" will be. So bored.

Anyways, here's Goldilocks! (and there's a huge pile of unsewn bear fleece in the stash ready for a post-Covid world)

She absolutely insisted on wearing my boots for this photoshoot and since I never thought she would wear the dress I consented. They're far too big, but I've been told when I've "grown out of them" they're hers.

This year was to be A's first Roobaix and a full family affair, so our costumes were chosen: Goldilocks and the three bears. The Roobaix was meant to be in June, and briefly, June was looking like a good month. We got out to the country for a weekend and saw my parents. I bought the fabric I needed for our costumes. Then, suddenly we were all sent  back into a long, long locked down winter.

By the time we can leave our small 5km radius and ride some of Melburn's cobbles it will probably be far too hot for bear suits.

I'd traced off the bear suits, but the only cutting I had got around to was this dress. I detest having unfinished things lying around so once something is cut, it gets sewn. And hey, I've inadvertently joined in with a hashtag - Sew Vintage in September, as well as the Sewing Pattern Review current costume competition.

The pattern is a one size (size 10) retro number from Simplicity. 

My copy has the surname of one of my aunts scribbled on it, so I'm guessing my poor cousin Narelle had to wear this first time around. I'd love to see a photo of that.

I gave A free rummage through all my patterns to pick what she thought would be most Goldilocks like and this was her pick. 

The fabric is just a poplin from Spotlight, and so was perfectly pleasant to sew. I appreciated the pattern's technique for the pleated neckline. The pattern is cut out with a square top. The pleats are sewn, and then a neckline/armhole template is used to shape the top part of the pattern. 

The hemline looks growth pleats but are actually folded bias strips stitched in place. The resultant length is quiet retro (read short) and between that  and the well fitted bodice it's certainly true to size and probably short lived.

I made one small change by using an invisible zip at centre back instead of a lapped zipper. It's what I had on hand and I always prefer an invisible zip in this kind of dress.

A porridge bowl and wooden spoon was as far as our props imagination went, and is enough of a nod to our titular character, no?

She surprised me by wearing the dress on a few occasions (when it was sunnier) after this photoshoot. Funny what they take to. I had no hopes for this to be anything but a one off costume.

Hopefully we'll get a Goldilocks day for the Roobaix some time soon - not too hot, not too cold, not too windy, and the freedom to find some cobbles outside our own little neighbourhood.


  1. great dress, lovely daughter. Maybe there will be more non-costume wearing since she seems to like it :-) Your comment about your cousin Narelle caught me off guard as I have a friend with that name in Australia (and she has another friend with that name)....what are the odds?? (Unless it's a really popular name......??)

  2. I'm sorry about the extended lockdown and the unsewn pile of bear fur...I hope you get to use it soon. I love the dress (there's something very Little House on the Prairie about it too) and I especially love that she likes to wear it without needing an occasion! Here's hoping you get to make those bear costumes yet (and more importantly, ride your bikes in them...).

  3. Perfect Goldilocks and so good it getting worn on other occasions. The lockdown has been quite severe with you and fingers crossed you get to adventure past your 5k radius soon.


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