Friday 18 October 2013

Little Things To Sew: Cover to Cover Challenge

Want to go all the way with me?

I'm on a mission to make everything from the Little Things To Sew book. I will get distracted, it could take me ages, but here are some reasons you might want to play along.....

You can win a copy of the book!
If you don't own it yet, or you lent your copy to a friend and never got it back, lost your pattern sheet, spilt coffee on it or just want to gift a copy to your sewing bestie then you're in luck.

Yep, this crazy idea has a sponsor!

The Fabric Stash store has kindly offered to giveaway a copy of the Little Things To Sew book to one lucky Bartacks and Singletrack reader.

If you haven't visited the shop before you may know "Julia's Mom" from her blog So-Cal Sewing Mom and I'm sure you'd recognise her gorgeous daughter from the Oliver + S flickr group. I'm so excited she's given her support to this adventure.

I've created a Flickr group where you can show off what you've made and get that lovely feeling that comes from getting nice comments on your work and leaving nice comments for others.
Little Things To Sew: Cover to Cover Challenge Flickr Group

The Flickr group can be used to post photos of anything using patterns from the Little Things To Sew book. It could be a work in progress or a finished project. Things you've made previously or something you've just knocked up during nap time.

Here on the blog I'll post projects that I make and hopefully I'll convince some of you to guest post for me and show off what you've made in more detail. There could be some useful tips, perhaps some "don't do as I just did" valuable warnings and maybe a communal brainstorm for anything that proves to be tricky along the way.

Finally, by joining the Flickr group and posting photos of finished projects you can be in the running for a prize:

I'll keep a running tally of completed projects posted by members in the Flickr pool. One prize entry will be credited for each unique pattern used by that member.

There are 20 projects in the Little Things to Sew book, but I'm counting the Juggling Balls and Drawstring Bag as two projects, so there are a maximum of 21 entries per person in the prize pool. Making a dozen bucket hats will still only count as one entry, but don't let that stop you, the kids need sun protection after all. (and this challenge is all about getting distracted by other stuff along the way)

When will the prize be drawn? Well, when we're finished I guess....
But I'm going to set a date to keep us on track. So, since I have ten projects to finish and figure I should be able to do one a month, let's say 31st August 2014.
Now, don't worry, I'm not in the competition, I just need you all to come along with me to keep me keen. If anyone else can finish the whole book before then I'll have to come up with an extra prize for being so speedy!

If you have a blog then you might like to make it official with a button:

So what else do you need? Well you need the book and you need fabric!

Go check out The Fabric Stash shop (and if you can resist the Kokka seersuckers you're made of sterner stuff than me!) and see what Julia's pick of the stash is. That kid has style!

And to be in the running for a copy of the book, just leave a comment below making sure to include your email address. I'll close the comments on Friday 25th midnight Aus EDT then select a random winner.

Good luck!


  1. I've loved every project I've made from this book, might be time to dust it off and try out some new ones :)

  2. Very exciting! I hope to be done in years time too.

  3. I'm so excited! I've only made the tutu so far, but I've done it twice. I've already been making plans for about a half dozen more! I'm looking forward to joining you and I'll be blogging too.

  4. Fun! I'm excited to see the projects :)

  5. Yes yes yes! I don't have the book yet, but I would really enjoy this challenge. I am becoming obsessed with everything Oliver and S!

  6. I've never heard of this but what a fabulously fun idea! I would love to try that! :)

  7. Very cool! I would love to win this book. :)
    brooke at richardchurch dot com

  8. I love this book and the four (I think) projects I have made so far with it. I am not very good at these challenges but I will try.

  9. I would love to be entered, please! Thanks so much.
    msjwh21 gmail com

  10. This may be the push I need to make the messenger bag I have that was cut out 18mo ago

  11. Would love to be entered. Don't yet have the book, but I have lots of your patterns. And I'm finally getting clear to do some serious sewing. have just been through 4 surgeries in 6 years and am finally beginning to function. It's old bones and a too active life. Now I want to sew and balance life out a bit more!!!

  12. This is awesome!! I would love this book! My sister has it and I've been green with envy!!! My email address is darcyhallstruble at gmail dot com.

  13. Great projects in this book. marykolb at charter dot net

  14. My wife would love this book.

    1. Here's the email address:

  15. This is totally the push I need to make the messenger bag I had planned as a diaper bag. The baby is now... almost 10 months old. Yikes! I need to GET ON IT.

  16. Raffle for the book is now closed. The winner was Mary on Lake Pulaski. Your email address will be forwarded to The Fabric Stash to arrange receiving the book. happy sewing

  17. I will sew along as best I can! I'm pretty sure I won't get all 20/21 projects done, but I love all of them so it's a great challenge to get the most out of this great book!

    1. By the way, I must credit you for the reason I bought "little things to sew" in the first place. After I saw the cute bear carrier you made (, I knew I had to buy it! Thank you!

    2. Wow, that's so flattering. thank you. Great to have you along for the sewing.

  18. I've just made the Art Smock and it's a great pattern. A friend referred my to your sew-along and I'm sure I can make another couple of projects before August.

  19. Good on you Pam. the Art Smock is high on my list of things still to make. It's been pretty hot here so the kids were painting in the nude the other day but an Art Smock or two would have been better! thanks for joining in and sewing along.

  20. So fun! Requested the book from my library & linked up here:


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